The following Draft Community Engagement Committee Terms of Reference, Community Fund and suggested Community Funding Ideas have been developed as part of the process to date which is ongoing.
Name – IWF Community Engagement Committee (“CEC”).
- To develop strategies to create an effective flow of information to and from the community regarding the proposed Inverleigh Wind Farm project.
- To act as a conduit for information flow and feedback between the local community, the project proponent, the Council, and relevant stakeholders regarding the progress of the Inverleigh Wind Farm project.
- To assist in the resolution of issues that may arise during the pre-construction, major construction and potentially the operational phases of the Inverleigh Wind Farm project.
- Up to three local community representatives with at least one living within 3-5km of the Inverleigh Wind Farm project.
- Up to two Council representatives being either Councillors and or Officers from the Council duly authorised to represent the Council for such purpose.
- Up to three Inverleigh Wind Farm project representatives being at least one contractor representative during construction period and one owner representative duly authorised to represent the wind farm owner for such purpose.
- At least 50% of the appointed members with at least one member required to be present from each stakeholder group, being the Community, Council, and the Inverleigh Wind Farm project.
- From announcement of the commencement of major works at the site till at least 12 months after commercial operation of the Inverleigh Farm project with the ongoing role and need to be reviewed at this time.
- The role of the IWF CEC and its interface with the IWF Committee Fund which is for the life of the project would be considered at this time.
Meeting Frequency.
- Quarterly, pre construction, Monthly during construction and/or as required.
- A higher frequency may be required during the periods of over dimension, over weight vehicle movements or for major construction off-site events.
- All recommendations proposed by the Committee will be voted on, with the majority of votes determining whether the recommendation is carried or rescinded.
- A consensus management approach is preferred.
- Signed Minutes to be forwarded to each Committee member following every meeting.
- The Minutes to be available on the project web site for all interested parties to see.
- The Minutes may be added by the Council to its agenda, discussed and added to its records office for safe keeping.
- The decisions of the Committee are not binding on any of the parties but are recommendations which it is anticipated will be reviewed and considered by each parties own governance process as applicable.
Draft detail on the proposed Community Fund can be viewed by clicking on the link.